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Daichi Hori

I was born in Kyoto in 1988.

From I was 6 to 12 years old, I spent most of my time practicing soccer to be a professional soccer player but I gave up when I was 18 years old.

After I gave up my dream, I entered a school of architecture and became architect.

Then I traveled around the world for 2 years for looking for the answer of ''What is the world peace?''.

After I came back to Japan, I tried lots of things such as established a real estate company, worked as a rickshaw and managed a shared house.

I want to keep doing what I like to do with my lovely company.


What I want to do is...

・manage a beach house

・work on a tuna boat

・make a pizza kiln at ''W peace''

・welcome people from around the world

・make a resin table​​

​・supporting people


Kana Hori

I was born in Osaka in 1989.

I belonged to the track and field club for 7 years since I was in elementary school. I loved running so much but since I joined a dance club when I was in high school, I had been into it.

Even after I became an employed person, I kept dancing such as Tahitian dance, Jazzercise and Zumba.

My dream is open my dance school named ''Kanacise'':)

Since I was 16 years old, I was vaguely interested in out of Japan. Then I have decided to stay in Australia for 1 year. During I was staying there, many people helped me a lot. From that experience, I became value the time with people who is in front me even if they are first time met.

So I am very very excited to meet and talk with you.  

Always waiting for your visit:)

What I want to do is...

・cook a speciality of  Osaka with foreigners

・open the dance class, ''Kanacise''

・learn agriculture

・dancing zumba with local people in a big gym

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